Background: In Pakistan, large gaps continue to exist between men and women in health, education, politics, and economic participation. Factors contributing to high inequalities for women include restricted mobility, lack of education, little awareness of rights, lack of access to and ownership of resources and assets, gender-based violence, and limited access to social services.
UNFPA and Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is implementing the Healthy Families or “Sihat Mand Khandan” (SMK) Project (2018-2022) in Sindh, Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), with funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The overall aim of the project is to support Pakistan achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for FP, information and education (SDG 3.7).
In line with UNFPA's mandate, and as part of the deliverables under the SMK project, UNFPA conducted Gender and Diversity Analysis (GaDA) and documented gender equality and equity issues affecting SRHR—focusing on maternal health, family planning (FP) and gender-based violence (GBV), including harmful traditional norms and child marriage—and to identify underserved and marginalised groups of women, men and youth.
Special consideration was given to addressing social and gender barriers to utilization of RH/FP services, ensuring equitable participation women and girls in decision-making, integrated RH and GBV service delivery and securing gender-disaggregated data and gender analytical information in planning, monitoring and evaluation.
It is well-recognized that the fulfilment of women’s SRHR is closely related to the issue of gender equality and women’s empowerment. For example, the use of any contraceptive method is higher among women who participate in one or more household decisions; and women’s participation in decision making is also positively associated with antenatal care, delivery from a skilled provider, and postnatal check-ups. On the reverse, women who experience controlling behaviour and abuse from their husbands are more likely to have unplanned pregnancies due to lower likelihood of contraceptive adoption; while the covert use of contraception, due to women wanting fertility choices different from their husbands, is also related to intimate partner violence (IPV) .
UNFPA seeks to develop gender based violence strategy in order to capture the interventions under the project so far and also to secure comprehensive evidence informed strategic frameworks to support the programme interventions to facilitate CPD10 interventions in order to improve the lives of women, adolescent girls and marginalised groups in Sindh and Balochistan
In order to secure a comprehensive and evidence-informed Gender Based Violence strategic framework, the is in need of an expert (consultant) to support the process of development and validation of the “Gender Based Violence Strategic Framework”.
Purpose of consultancy: To provide high quality technical and coordination support for the ddevelopment of a strategy on Gender Based Violence.
Scope of work:
- Lead the desk review of the provincial, national and regional documents to inform the current information available and inform the situation analysis and the mapping of the documents informing the strategies.
- Design methodology and outline of the strategy and ensure inputs from UNFPA provincial and gender team.
- Lead the stakeholder consultation including government, civil society, Women Groups, youth groups, UNFPA team.
- Conduct workshop with selected group to inform the strategy and facilitate and document inputs from technical teams of UNFPA to identify key strategies, theory of change and related areas of strategy.
- Use global guiding documents like Gender and Social Norms Package and other relevant materials to incorporate learnings from region for strategy development.
- Develop a list of stakeholders for interview, FGDs and consultative workshops and seek endorsement from UNFPA.
- Develop and share first draft with UNFPA for review and review from technical teams of UNFPA.
- Conduct, facilitate the validation workshop and present strategy to UNFPA and key stakeholders & incorporate the inputs and finalize the policy.
- Incorporate feedback and share final draft.
- Give final review to print ready draft.
Duration and working schedule: 35 days spread over (25 August to 25 Ocotber 2023 )
Place where services are to be delivered: Islamabad
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
Key deliverables
- Workplan outlining key meetings and timelines
- Desk review informing situation/gaps analysis available
- Methodology, outline of the strategy is available and agenda for technical retreat available
- List of stakeholders for interview, FGDs and consultative workshops available and endorsed by UNFPA
- Technical retreat with UNFPA team conducted and key strategies identified, theory of change developed and proposed scope of interventions outlined.
- Stakeholder consultation including government, civil society, Women Groups, youth groups, completed.
- First draft of strategy developed
- Validation workshop completed with UNFPA and selected key stakeholders & inputs incorporated to finalize the strategy.
- Print ready draft submitted to UNFPA.
Supervisory arrangements:
Consultant will report to Head of Sindh and Balochistan Office
Expected travel: Districts in Sindh and Balochistan with high prevalence of child marriage and GBV
Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements: Qualifications and experience for the team of consultants:
- A Master degree in Social Sciences or Law.
- Working experience of both social sciences and legal perspective, experience in a variety of areas with main focus on gender based violence will be an added advantage.
- 7 years’ experience of working on the issues of child marriage and gender based violence.
- Excellent interpersonal communication and writing skills (English)
- Sound understanding of socio-political context of the Pakistan particularly Sindh and Balochistan.
- Excellent facilitation skills.
- Abilities and skills for multi-tasking, and taking up challenges.
- Familiar with institutional arrangements of governance and of departments working on gender based violence and child marriage.
- Legal understanding of the legislative processes in Pakistan.
- Demonstrable writing and presentation skills.
- Must have grip on MS office.
Fluency in English and Urdu is required.